Help Support TS4A children like Benji, with a tax-deductible donation.
Join us for a better tomorrow.

Volunteer Form

Are you keen to see all children have access to community sport no matter what their circumstances are? If the answer is yes, we want to hear from you.

Thanks for taking the time to fill out our volunteer form.

We are predominately run by volunteers who are passionate about helping youth within their own communities become less socially isolated and better connected and see the amazing benefits of community team sport. Some volunteers give a small number of hours per month and other give more; some donate their skills rather than mentoring families.

There are many options and we are open to working with peoples availability and skills; contact us on if fill out the form below for more information.

Our Volunteer application form

Once you complete the form we will be in touch to arrange a time to meet.
If you have questions please email

Please provide contact details of 2 character references. Can be personal or professional.

Volunteer FAQs

You can apply via

Once your application is received you will receive a call from the regional manager to arrange a time to meet.

The initial catch up is your opportunity to learn in more detail about the work we do, and the vari-ous volunteer roles available. We feel it is important to meet all our prospective volunteers, and to give you as much information as possible so you’re able to make the most informed decision re-garding joining Team Sports 4 All. This is also a great opportunity for you to get to know more about us and ask questions and tell us about the skills you have.

es, volunteers are asked to supply 2 references in the volunteer application. The regional man-ager will contact your referees before your face-to-face meeting.

No qualifications are necessary. We look for volunteers who are non-judgemental, community minded and have an interest in assisting families benefit from team sport.
We are always keen to explore skills volunteers may have which would benefit the growth of TS4A.

All volunteers must complete the following –

  • Police Check – needs to be redone every 3 years
  • Working with Children’s Check – needs to be updated every 5 years
  • Agree to and sign the volunteer agreement.
  • Child Safety Induction

After these are complete you will be set up with a TS4A e mail address, portal access.
Training on the portal will be conducted by your regional manager.

There are a few costs associated with volunteering, which can include:

  • Sports mentor: works directly with the families
  • Sporting club liaison: works with local sporting clubs to build ongoing relationships
  • Schools liaison: works with local schools to build ongoing relationships and identify families who would benefit from TS4A
  • Community services liaison: connects with local community service organisations who will refer children to TS4A
  • Fundraising: assists with fundraising opportunities
  • Events: event planning and execution

This will depend on which role you take and will be discussed at your face-to-face meeting. It will range from one day per week to one day per month.

Your regional manager will support and train you. They will also talk over the phone with you once a month or more if needed. He/she will meet with you face to face once per year to review and discuss your enjoyment in your role.

There are education sessions run 3 time a year for each region for volunteers.

We encourage all volunteers to be involved in our fundraising activities.

These include –

  • Helping Hands Fundraising evening
  • Team Sports 4 All Challenge
  • Local sporting club BBQ’s
  • Opportunities to present at organisations and sporting clubs

Meet some of our Volunteers