Refer a Child

Know a child that could benefit from TS4A?

Eligibility checklist – 

Does the family/child – 

  • reside in an area where TS4A assists 
  • have a current health care card and/or reside in government housing and/or are an asylum seeker 
  • have a child aged between 5-18 
  • have a keen interest in playing sport 
  • have capacity to commit to a team sport 
  • has a parent/carer who supports the child’s interest in sport and who will encourage the child to commit 

*Please note – we cannot provide an interpreter but happy to work in with your organisation if you can provide one

Please complete the form below

Or – please contact with any questions.

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Step 1 of 4

Once you complete all three pages of the form, if eligible a TeamSports4All staff member will get in touch with the family to arrange a time to meet them. If you have questions please email

Please note that some localities have an active waitlist, in these areas we will respond to your referral once capacity is available.

Referrer Details

TeamSports4All works with trusted referral partners to support children.
Which eligibility category does the family fit into?
Must be at least one of the three to be eligible.
Referrer Contact Name:
Referring Agency Postal Address

News & Stories

How we are helping disadvantaged youth reduce social isolation through ongoing participation in team sport.

Our Volunteers love sharing their thoughts

Wishing you a joyful holiday season!

Please note, our referral program is temporarily closed and we won’t be accepting referrals from 15/12/23 to 15/1/24. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!