There are 4 fundraising ways you can support us!
See below for details.
Fundraise at your local club
We are on the same page! We want to see all children play sport no matter what their circumstances are. Here are a few ideas – hold a sportsman night, trivia night, raffle or run a sausage sizzle and choose TeamSports4all as the charity of choice for the funds raised.

Fundraise at work
Join forces with your colleagues and make a difference by raising funds for TeamSports4All at work. Here is an idea – choose one week throughout the year and create some friendly competition – prizes for – who clocks up the most steps, who rides the most km’s, who runs the most km’s. End the week with a celebratory lunch or post work get together. We are all about being a team and this is a great way to build team moral.
Fundraise at school
We love seeing kids fundraise to help other kids.
Heres an idea – The Big Skip Game ($5 entry).
After school one night or at lunchtime – kids, Mums, dads, and teachers have a TS4A Skipathone. Last person standing (skipping) wins a prize. It’s easy to do, it’s a bit of fun, you can have rounds with the winner of each round going into a final. Teachers v kids etc This builds community spirit with clean healthy fun, raises awareness and some funds. And remember – her everyone to wear blue as thats the TS4A colour.

Fundraise at home
It’s all about being inclusive and creating a stronger community so get your family and neighbours together and make a difference for local kids. How about a car wash, a food stall or a street cricket game – have a donation tin handy and people can contribute whatever they are comfortable with.