Team Challenge 2025: The Passathon!
Team Challenge 2025: Pass-A-Thon! Pass a ball as many times as you can in 1 hour! Create a team at work, school, sports club, or

Help kids like Benji fulfil their potential
Help kids like Benji achieve their potential We need to help disadvantaged kids fulfil their potential when they’re identified for opportunities to play at a

Helping Hands – South East 2024
Helping Hands – South East 23 February 2024 Hampton Life Saving Club Join us for a fantastic evening of fun, to celebrate the achievements
“There are so many things to love. It’s the joy on the face of the 8 year old when you give him his first footy boots. It’s the Mum who tells you how sport is building her daughter’s self confidence. It’s the quote from the magistrate that the kids who end up in front of him don’t play team sport. What could be more Australian than helping kids from all backgrounds connect with their communities through team sport”.
Mike Rikard-Bell1 year volunteer