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Thank you for considering to donate to Team Sports 4 All.
Single Donations: You can make a donation of any amount, and below you’ll see how it really makes a difference.
Monthly Donations: If you’d like to make a monthly donation, you can select that option when you make your donation. This really helps us support kids for the long term, and helps us keep them engaged for many years.
All donations made to TeamSports4All are tax deductible. You can view our DGR certificate here.
Donation Options
Use our secure donation portal by clicking the button below.
You can choose to make either a single or monthly donation.
Bank Transfer
Team Sports 4 All Pty Ltd
BSB: 633000
Account: 156331423
Please put your name as the reference & if you require a tax-deductible receipt please email
Please make payable to Team Sports 4 All Pty Ltd
Send to –
78 Thomas St, Hampton Vic 3188

Team Sports 4 All is registered with the Australian Charities Commission and became an ATO deductible gift recipient in August 2015.